Zetland School pupil letters receive parking approval

Recently, I received a couple of compelling letters from pupils Poppy & Jasmine of Zetland School requesting my support. They were experiencing parking issues at their school and wrote to me on behalf of the school.

They wrote;

Permit idea #1
Permit idea #2
Permit Idea #3

After a visit to the school, including meeting the Headteachers and Poppy & Jasmine, I discussed the proposal with the various department leads back at the council.

Thereafter, I wrote back to Poppy & Jasmine:

“Dear Poppy & Jasmine,

“Thank you for your letters, received 11th March 2024, alerting me to your concerns regarding road safety and traffic pollution around Zetland Primary School, Redcar. I also received your art design suggestions to be used as potential parking permits. They are fabulous. Thank you.

“Your concerns clearly demonstrate your understanding of the issues :-

  • Parents are struggling with finding parking.
  • Neighbours are having issues with congestion.
  • Emergency vehicles may struggle to gain access if needing to.
  • The impact of all this on you and the children at your school regarding road safety and traffic pollution.

“You provided me with a reasonable solution, whereby parents could potentially use the Fisherman Square car park for drop offs and pickups, for short periods in the mornings and afternoons. This being far enough away from the school to ensure improved road safety, less impact to traffic pollution and with a short walk, which I agree improves health.

“On receipt of your letters, I alerted officers in the Highways & Transport Department at Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council (RCBC) and asked for a meeting with the Head Teacher at your school.

“On the 21st March 2024, I met with your Head Teacher Mr Richardson, your teacher Mrs Walker and Clare Mahoney, the Assistant Director for Education & Skills at RCBC, along with some of your classmates. We looked at the areas where the problem is and the suggested location.

“You will be pleased to know, that following our meeting, I have agreed to your request and have directed the officers to make this possible. The agreement allows the following times for parents with a permit to use from:

8:30am – 9:00am & 15:00pm – 15:30pm Monday to Friday starting from Monday 29th April 2024

“We can trial this until the end of the Summer Term and if it is successful then it can continue for the foreseeable future. Furthermore, I am happy to approve your art designs for parents to use as bespoke parking permits. By the way, my favourite is the one with the red car!!

“I would like to commend you, your classmates and your teachers for raising this issue with me and for achieving the outcome that you wanted.”

Love a happy ending.

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